Saturday 30 June 2007

Arrochar Alps Race

30th June 2007
Results | Photos | Race Details

The race was won by Stewart Whitlie in 3:34:10. This is the first year the race has been run since 1992.

Ellie and I marshalled on the summit of Ben Ime for just over 3 hours in moderately unpleasant gale force winds and torrential rain. The tent was barely up to the job and was repeatedly flattened as we tried to put the thing up with numb fingers and trying not top let all our stuff get blown away. Definitely a different experience to running in the race.

Alec Keith leading out Race winner Stewart Whitlie Alan Smith Kate Friend

Friday 29 June 2007

Calderglen Trail 10k

29th June 2007
Results | Photos

Jogged round the Calderglen Trail Race in 37:49. Finished 6th overall and 1st V40.

The race was won by Stephen Wylie in 34:31, with Robert Gilroy 2nd and David Phee of Giffnock 3rd. First lady was Elke Schmidt in 39:59, with Helen Stuart 2nd and Alison Winship 3rd.

Race Profile Race Route The Start Stephen Wylie The Finish Elke Schmidt

Friday 22 June 2007

Cort-ma Law Hill Race

20th June 2007
Results | Photos

My first official hill race on the Scottish mainland since Ben Lomond on May 12th.

There was some controversy at the sharp end of the race where leaders Kenny Richmond and Matt Bell both crossed the fence and cut the corner after the gully, rather than returning up the fenceline to the stile. Since they apparently both broke the course record with this shortcut, they were both disqualified. This left Matt Williamson and David Riach battling it out for eventual race winner, and Matt got the better of David on the final descent.

I had been level with Matt and David at the summit of Cort-ma Law, but they both got away from me on the boggy section to Lecket Hill, where there was an unusual diversion to the cairn at the true summit. Angela Mudge also pulled away on this section with John Stevenson chasing.

I was passed by John on the descent to the gully, only to immediately pass him again on the climb back out. I wasn't making any ground on Angela. But come the final run in John passed me strongly again, and I managed to latch on just enough for him to pull me past Angela who set a new women's course record of 53:17.

Complete and utter midge hell in the car park afterwards.

Race Profile Race Route The finish

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Glasgow Green 5k

19th June 2007

Fairly comfortable running temperature, but rather windy. I think the race was won by Chris Mackay in 14:23, with Robert Russell 2nd and Stephen Wylie 3rd. First lady was Susan Finch in 17:32. I finished 20th in 16:50 and was 4th V40.

Not sure why my heart rate graph was all over the place for the first 6 minutes.

Race Profile

Sunday 17 June 2007

Vale of Leven 10k

17th June 2007
Results | Series Info

The last of the 4 Polaroid races was won by Chris MacKay in 30:59. First lady was Susan Partridge in 34:38. I finished 30th in 35:33, and was 5th V40.

There's quite a long climb and descent through the park by Loch Lomond in the first half. The second half got hotter and hotter as the clouds melted away, replaced by strong sunshine.

Race Profile The Finish Loch Lomond

Sunday 10 June 2007

Milngavie Highland Games 10k

9th June 2007
Results | Route

The race was won by Alastair Morrison of Dumbarton in 34:02. I finished 5th in 38:05, closely followed the whole way by Alistair Allan of Kirkintilloch Olympians.

Incredibly hot and hilly hard work. My 40th race of 2007.

Race Profile

Friday 8 June 2007

Dumbarton 10k

7th June 2007
Results | Series Info

The race was won by Robert Gilroy in 31:01. First lady was Lesley Chisholm in 37:14. I managed another sub-35 minute 10k, finishing in 34:38 for 25th position, and 5th V40. All the gun times seem to about 3 seconds out. My watch time was 34:35.

Deja vu from Clydebank, spending second half of the race running with Scott Kennedy.

Race Profile Blurry shot of me and Scott Jason Kaushal Cat Miller Ellie Ellie Finish Group Apres Run Apres Run

Sunday 3 June 2007

Duddon Valley Fell Race

2nd June 2007
27km, 1900m
Results | Photos

The race was won by Ian Holmes in 2:42.

I felt completely awful for most of the race - totally washed out with no energy. Tempted to pack it in on the first climb up Harter Fell, but somehow struggled on and finished in 3:32.

I don't normally get any trouble with my ankles, but in this case I was getting jarring pain on every descent. I was also eating on every climb, including the first one up Harter Fell, but this had little or no effect at boosting energy levels.

Time to skip a few races now, and buy some frozen peas. I don't want to feel that rubbish again at the next one.

And by the way, the Duddon route is nowhere near 20 miles. I've no idea where that figure came from. The actual distance is more like 17 miles.

Race Profile Race Route