Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Ayr 5-mile Trail Race

26th August 2009


A new race starting at Ayr's Dam Park Stadium and following trails along by the River Ayr.

I only saw 3 of the 55 or so runners during the race. Kerry Wilson made an early break, followed at some distance by Alex Allardyce of Irvine and Brian McEwan, with myself chasing in 4th position. I tried to keep up the pressure just in case Brian faded, and from 3 miles onwards I appeared to be gaining some ground, but a slight bit of marshalling confusion just before 4 miles sent me the wrong way, and when I straightened up the momentum was lost and realised I wouldn't catch him now, and so I finished 3rd in 29:08.

My navigational hiccup was however minor compared with Kerry Wilson who unfortunately went off course altogether just after 4 miles by missing a crucial right turn, and seemed pretty annoyed when he finished 4th overall, since he should easily have won the race. When I saw Kerry on the track behind me after I'd finished, I assumed he was on a warm down jog, but his fury as he crossed the line suggested otherwise. Read Kerry's colourful version of events at his Fetch blog.

The first 3 women were Toni McIntosh 32:10, Sarah Munn 33:13 and Jacqui Thomson 33:49.

Race report at Scottish Running Guide

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