Sunday, 12 August 2007

Haddington Half Marathon

11th August 2007

Pleasant cool rainy conditions for a jog around quiet backroads of East Lothian.

Scraped another half marathon PB, finishing 2nd in 1:16:45, but not without a fight - mainly with my bowels - which necessitated a diversion into a field at 9 miles. Thereafter I was chasing the remaining 4 miles, trying to claw back 2nd spot which I managed with a last ditch effort 400 metres from the finish.

The race was won by David Gardiner of Kirkintilloch Olympians in 1:14:04. In 3rd place, and breaking the women's course record was New Zealand athlete Rebecca Moore who finished just a few seconds behind me in 1:16:50. 4th overall, and 3rd male was Martin Ferguson of Edinburgh AC in 1:17:07.

Race Profile Race Route

1 comment:

  1. Chris

    Great to read you have entered for whw 08!! Look forward to meeting you and maybe even doing some training runs together!

